Opening track “Too Young To Feel This Old” is ripe with optimism and is bursting with positive energy, reminding us all that life is for living. A sense of, whatever happens, keep your head held high. It’s bold and full of life itself, and a great opener.
First single “Lived A Lie” has a massive chorus, soaring vocals from Josh and in ways, reminiscent of 30 SECONDS TO MARS in places, before “Fresh Start Fever”, despite still being what is essentially an indie-rock track, carries a lot more weight behind it. The same can be said for “Room To Breathe”, some meaty guitar work from Chris Miller and Max Helyer, but it’s Josh’s vocals that once again allow the track to sucker punch you with pop hooks.
“Win Some, Lose Some” has a fairly simple plod-along beat to it, once again backed by a huge sing-along chorus, while “Love Me Like You Used To Do” returns to a rough around the edges indie anthem vibe, one of the albums highlights..
The band does have their mellower moments too however, with “Forgive And Forget”, “Cold Night” and closing track “Wild Ones”. The latter, despite its name is beautifully contradicted, such a soft track. It comes full circle and summarises the feel of the album lyrically, a rhetoric statement such as “Are we gonna’ live forever? No”, reminding us all once again that we should seize the moment and live life to its fullest, enjoy the ride while we’re here. “Cavalier Youth” is the perfect title really, you’re only young once, people need to not take life too seriously all of the time and enjoy themselves, and it’s a real feel-good album, definitely worth a listen. [8]
Download: “Fresh Start Fever”, “Room To Breathe”, “Love Me Like You Used To Do”