"The self-titled Busted album was the first album I ever owned, but 'A Present For Everyone' was better than it in every single way so I consider it to be the more important album for me! This was the first album in my life where every album track is better than every single, people write Busted off as a gimmicky band writing about air hostesses and crashing weddings, but those are just the singles (And great singles they are) but the album tracks town down the gimmicks and are really, really great songs, I could name them all; 'Falling For You', 'That Thing You Do', 'Over Now', 'Fake', 'Meet You There', 'Why', 'Loner In Love', 'Better Than This', 'Can't Break Thru', 'Nerdy'...FUCK ME THOSE ARE GREAT SONGS! It's a 15 track album too so I'm surprised the record label didn't stop them and say 'There's too many hits on this album, stop there and save some for the next album!' but their song writing and musicianship is at their absolute peak here! This album was a magic moment in time and I'm super grateful to have such an all killer no filler album from the first band I ever got into otherwise I don't think I would've fallen in love with music like I did, BRILLIANT BRILLIANT BRILLIANT BRILLIANT!”

"How in actual fuck can a band be this good? Perhaps the first band to actually blow my mind how good they were with this album, song writing and musicianship and production is the best it'll ever be on here, phenomenal start to finish, a moment in time that even the band themselves couldn't replicate! 'Evil Empire' and 'The Battle Of Los Angeles' are good albums, but self-titled is FUCKING MIND BLOWING INSANE! ONE OF THE BEST ALBUMS EVER MADE! FUCKING RIDICULOUS LEVELS OF AMAZING!"

"During a school lunch break in 2006 when I was 14, my 2 friends were trashing Metallica and were saying the song 'St. Anger' sucked so I just had to hear it! [Laughs] I'd never heard Metallica before, so I got home and searched for Metallica - St. Anger on YouTube and it was the best fucking riff I'd ever heard! I was mind-blown and thought ‘If this is meant to be their WORST, imagine what their BEST stuff is like!?’ and I found 'Enter Sandman', 'Battery', 'Master Of Puppets' and loved these songs enough to order some CDs from Amazon so I bought 'Master Of Puppets', 'The Black Album' and 'St. Anger'. I fucking LOVED 'Master Of Puppets' and was again, mind blown, 'The Black Album' was next and eh, I liked it but found it really middle of the road, then I played 'St. Anger' and it was so fucking crushing heavy and fucking crazy, sounds like a band that lost their damn minds and didn't give a fuck! So many hooks, so many crushingly heavy riffs, it follows no rules, it's its own genre, I was so drawn to it's I suppose you could say ‘rebelliousness’ and to this day I still am!
Sure I understand the ‘no guitar solos and drum sounds like a trash can’ criticisms but as the album was already 3 years old when I heard it and I was new to Metallica it didn't give me the negative reaction it gave people when it first came out who'd been following the band for years. I chose 'St. Anger' as my life changing album for showing me that sometimes you should go crazy and not give a fuck, 'Master Of Puppets' is better sure, but those songs are so elegantly written that I don't relate to it as much as Metallica just hammering out some insanity in the form of music."

"Perhaps my favourite album of all time…I have the chills for 75 minutes straight, this album does something to me that no other album does, it’s just a JOURNEY. I was a huuuuge Green Day fan-boy for 5 whole years and listened the shit out of all their albums and couldn't believe when they released a new album in 2009, that they'd actually made an album I loved even more than the 7 that preceded it, an absolute masterpiece. I'm one of those weirdo’s who thinks 'Insomniac' is a step up from 'Dookie' and '21st Century Breakdown' a step up from 'American Idiot'! [Laughs]. Side note, I named my band Breakdown Face because my friend Ethan said to me on MSN Messenger that he was going to call his new band No Face but I was like ‘that's a shit name, call it...’ (My 21st Century Breakdown CD was on my computer desk) "...Breakdown Face or something" and I was like I'M KEEPING THAT!" [Laughs]

"FUCKING MIND BLOWING ALBUM! It takes the 'Hybrid Theory' formula, makes everything darker, heavier and most importantly BETTER! It's short too so I can listen to it twice, thrice, 4 times a day sometimes, by far my most played album of the last 2 years anyway, PUMPS ME UP SO MUCH! The drum machine intro into the riff of 'Don't Stay', the ‘the very worst part of you...IS MEEEEEE!!!!!!!’ middle section of 'Lying From You', FUUUUUCK THIS ALBUM IS RIDICULOUS! The very best nu metal has ever been, absolute masterpiece and one of my favourite albums of all time!"

"I'd been an Oasis fan for years, but I fell into the trap of ‘Only the first 2 albums are good’ and had never bothered to listen beyond 'Morning Glory', but when I finally did I was MIND BLOWN! You mean THIS is the album people say is when Oasis went downhill? I literally couldn't believe how good it is, the most punk, the most trippy, the most epic Oasis have ever been, they pushed themselves to their absolute limits here! Everything people say is bad about the album (Long songs, layers and layers of guitars) is exactly why I LOVE it!
I believe the reason most people don't give it a chance is because Oasis have a very, for lack of a better word ‘normie’ audience and this album is TOO epic for them and doesn't cater to the 4 minute hit songs they like! Every song is fucking great, but to mention some individually 'MY BIG MOUTH', 'THE GIRL IN THE DIRTY SHIRT', 'I HOPE I THINK I KNOW', 'IT'S GETTING BETTER MAN'!!!!! Absolute fucking MASTERPIECE from start to finish, not just one of MY favourite albums of all time, but I strongly think that my opinion aside, it's one of THE best albums ever made and because journalists won't say it no one will, trust me on this one people!"