Kicking off with “June”, we’re met with some light guitar work and some gentle reverberated percussion before we burst into the song proper; the song is thrust forward and it’s a lively introduction to the band, it’s a great track. The title track is a gentler affair but no less passionate, the vocals on display are hard to pin down, there’s a certain warble to front man Liam Reeves that’s unique yet recognisable at the same time, just as with “The Void”…on first listen picking up hints of JEFF BUCKLEY but with the angst and frustration akin to the likes of Brock Lindow of 36 CRAZYFISTS for example, in places (minus the intense screaming), it makes for an interesting and captivating listen.
“Gild The Lilly” starts off as more of an acoustic, bluesy number, before descending into a torrent of gang vocals and an increasingly intense sensory journey, before “Brothers” takes us back to square one with a really up-beat rocking number. A clear EP highlight, it’s a heartfelt indie rock anthem in the making, multi-textured, it would make for an ideal climax had it not been for “Outro”, which really just ends things awkwardly really. The idea is nice, but it adds nothing to the EP, leaving you with a feeling of “oh?” instead of “wow”.
A World Defined claim to be original, but really, the concept of originality is quite the myth in this modern day and age, especially in music. It’s so very hard for an artist of any genre to break the mould and appear to be brand new and unique, and in all honesty, A World Defined don’t quite do this, but, they have coloured outside the lines just enough to stand out from the generic indie scene. The band is currently still unsigned and in a way, that benefits them musically. There’s a raw passion that carries through the music that otherwise might be lost elsewhere, and it’s this combination of passion and complete freedom that allows for EP’s like this one to see the light of day. The only thing absent from “In Absence” is a record label’s backing…but quite frankly it doesn't need one. [7]
"In Absence" is available on iTunes for just £4.74: