The EP kicks off with “Sleep Talker” and we’re subject to an instant dose of almost post-punk riff-work; it’s an up-beat track generally but the chorus is something else, it’s huge, Luke’s vocals in places carry an ever so slight rawness, combined with the music gives faint resemblances to the likes of ZICO CHAIN in style, a really good start. “Aces” and “Four Leaf Clover” keep the EP ticking along, sounding decent but as a whole nothing overly special, before we’re hit with a double dose of brilliance. “Taking Our Time” is first up and is incredibly infectious; a proper foot tapper of a track. It’s got a great rhythm and another big chorus…imagine AMERICAN HI-FI grew some balls and you’ll get the right idea.
Next, we easily have the stand-out track of the EP; “Fall From The Sky”. It’s a beautifully melodic soft-rock song, on the verge of anthem status; it’s brilliantly catchy and makes you want to hit the repeat button as soon as it’s over, such a great hook to this one, before we finish up on “Scatter Brains”, another up-beat punk-inspired number ending things on a pleasant and positive note, despite the abrupt ending. With “Youth Tax” this multinational group of musicians have shown they are more than capable of penning huge tunes and can fly the flag for real rock ‘n’ roll for years to come should they stick at it, this is one tax you should be happy for! [8]