Starting off with “Time”, we’re immediately greeted with some meaty riff-work from guitarists Darran and Leigh; very traditional, old-school metal in sound and an assertive introduction to the band. Vocalist Phil Lye has a very unblemished delivery, resulting in a strong all-round performance and some superb hard-rock…
“Fake” cranks everything up a level from the word go, managing to retain all that’s good about the EP’s opener but upping the ante, it’s got more urgency to it and their sheer love for rock ‘n’ roll shines through clear as day; a definite highlight. “Walk Towards The Sun” takes a turn in the opposite direction with a slower and somewhat southern rock / bluesy inspired number, but loses no appeal whatsoever, and that solo into the key change towards the tracks climax is well executed. “Far Away From Here” keeps things ticking over nicely but is admittedly the weakest of the five tracks on offer, before we finish on “Last Man Standing”. Written out of Phil’s love of all things Western, it’s got some great layers of country inspired guitar underneath what is another solid outing, a good end to the EP.
The caliber of musicians involved in PMD automatically discard any notion that this is going to be a poor outing, and with the five tracks presented here you get all the proof you need that “Chapter 1” is no one-off. Great debut; rock ‘n’ roll on Chapter two! [7]