"The first one with Blaze Bayley and I guess the most hated Maiden album (Might be Futureal). To me this is when I first discovered them and a total classic. Might have been the first album I ever bought but not sure. Love the lack of distorted guitars yet such a dark production. Got it as a picture disc a few years back."
Favorite song: "Fortunes Of War."

"First vinyl I ever bought and the album that made me wanna play guitar. Bought it at a second hand store and I got to borrow my dads player. Played the B-side over and over again (Only had three songs). First one with Anthrax for me and didn't have a clue that most of the songs where covers!."
Favorite song: "Parasite" (KISS).

"So after that I got really into Anthrax. A few years later they reunited as the "classic" lineup (2005?). They were coming to Sweden Rock Festival and I was really stoked about it. They were having this signing booth so I was standing in line with a friend. He had this patched up jeans vest with his favorite bands and he was a power metal guy which I thought was kind of dorky. For some reason he left the line going somewhere, but he asked me to hold his vest 'cause it was hot, so I did. Finally finished the line and I was standing there with them asking if they could sign my copy of "Spreading The Disease", which they did. But they also pointed at the vest and a patch with Swedish power metal band HAMMERFALL and asked me "Do you like that band?". I was so fucking nervous and didn't know what to say so I said "Yeah, sure". They looked at each other and started giggling, probably thinking "Who is this lame fuck". I wanted to disappear, I was so embarrassed! Never meet your heroes..."
Favorite song: "A.I.R"

"'Peace Sells...' is without doubt my favorite 'deth album but I gotta' pick this one because it's so goddam ugly. Everything is bad about this cover. Found the original Combat release so I had to have it!"
Favorite song: "Killing Is My Business"

"If the "Killing.." cover is bad in a bad way, this one is bad in a good way! Don't know what I like about it really but there's just some punk ingredient that I just like. With their faces badly pasted on there with the exploding Hindenburg. Works well with the title!"
Favorite song: "Hang The Pope" (Live)

"If somebody put a gun to my head and I had to pick ONE album that I had to listen to for the rest of my life, I'd pick this one. There's so much nuances that you discover for each listen and I think I can never grow tired of this one."
Favorite song: "The Czar"