We open up with “Revelation#12” and it’s not long at all before we’re met with Manson’s trademark raw, angst-driven brand of rock…and what fitting topic than the coming of the apocalypse to open your album! Revelations, Biblical of course but modernised to a degree, the old adage of the coming of the Antichrist has here been supplemented for those in office, those that run the country through their ignorance and stupidity; he speaks of painting the town red with the blood of the tourists, as that’s all humanity has devolved into, an expendable and milk-able source of money for those corrupt in power, it’s a typical Manson stab at authority and a decent opener. Such is his style mind, the majority of this album targets society and government…”We Know Where You Fucking Live” is aimed at law enforcement and the troubles surrounding gun culture…the constant problems seen in the news, all over the media on a daily basis regarding police brutality and excessive force…
These themes are all entwined within the tapestry of the record overall as we continue through the track listing…”Say10” is a jab at the recent presidential campaign, it’s video featuring one Mr JOHNNY DEPP as God, while Manson himself is the Devil…depicting them both enjoying the pleasures of luxury and power, a nod to the fact America was voting for the lesser of two evils (an argument from both Republicans and Democrats) and again, the idea that they were only in it for themselves…”Saturnalia” is ironically named after an ancient Roman festival of plenty, where roles reversed and masters served their slaves, a generous act, Manson mocking government here as poverty is rife and public services struggle while the rich get richer, a class divide more prominent than ever, while “Je$u$ Cri$i$” spews criticism all over organised religion; for it’ll be whatever you want it to be so long as you’re funding it blindly, for God needs you…but no, no he doesn’t, he’s not real, in reality these snakes just want your money and prey upon your naivety from their high towers of wealth; a very real track this, while other highlights include “Blood Honey”, a beautifully morose Gothic ballad full of pain and suffering, this is Manson on form here, while the title track has great rhythm, his distinct drawl giving off a sense of longing, for his life is upside down, there’s a lack of stability and it hints at his past troubled relationships…he’s always been quite an open and honest song writer but it’s something he’s not often given credit for and here he delivers yet again. A grower this record, once it gets going it’s classic Manson, despite not having the aggression and intensity of earlier work, it still bites and it’s an improvement on “The Pale Emperor”…let’s all Say10 together (and get well soon)…[7]