We open up with "Picturing Love" and we get a steady, basic drum beat, leading into some pretty simplistic keyboard fingering...there's a subtle nod to the likes of NICK CAVE in this, it's got quite a methodical, plodding rhythm generally, nothing special but the songs life lies within the dual vocals of Leah Fay Goldstein and Peter Dreimanis...the former, sweeter than maple syrup in places, contrasting with his almost tortured gravel-throated tones; it makes for an interesting combination and garners the listeners attention.
"Beck + Call" takes things up just a notch, there's more tempo but again it's rhythmic and generally simple, with emphasis placed mainly on Leah's performing and really the track is quite hypnotic, it's certainly one you can't help tapping your foot to. It does end with a bit of a flurry and the harder approach of the climax adds weight to the track, they continue to utilise this on tracks like "Johnny + Mary"; it's grittier and has a great, no nonsense rock 'n' roll character to it, channelling influences such as PJ HARVEY with an extra, punk-rock twist resulting in a great listen. "Push + Pull" again blends together the melody and aggression of both vocalists and really the title perfectly sums up this bands approach musically, there's a continual tug of war between styles but it's beneficial as oppose to being a hindrance, it's this stark contrast that gives them their edge, which ultimately comes together perfectly on "So Sorry"...its an absolute scorcher of a track; full of anguish and longing, an easy album highlight.
There are a few points of less interest however, the title track closing the album does feel somewhat drawn out compared to the songs before it, it drags a little, while tracks like "Strange Habit" lack a real spark, a mid-listen lull if anything, hampering the overall momentum of the album. These points aside, can July Talk maintain this conversation? The answer is a resounding yes...their rough around the edges indie rock with the brilliantly balanced yet asymmetrical vocal delivery is refreshing and puts them above being merely another band. Touch? Oh no...have a bloody good grope, they wont mind one bit. [7]