Firstly, how exactly do you turn the biggest metal band on the planet into a game? Well this is how it works...essentially it's a combination of gaming elements that can and should appeal to gamer's of varied styles, the main resemblance here would be that of the FINAL FANTASY series. It's primarily turn based for the story mode but instead of say, Zidane or Noctis, you control EDDIE, Iron Maiden's iconic mascot. Each world you progress through is based on one of Eddie's many concept gimmicks we've all seen over Maiden's back catalog of albums (for example world 1 is based on the "Wicker Man", with sleek and attractive 3D graphics, it does each character and theme justice, sticking closely to the resource material and styles, with the music for each world representative of it's corresponding album too during game play) and you fight your way through wave after wave of enemies in turn based battle with pin-point touch screen control, which means you have to time your attacks for optimum damage. The more you go through the game, you'll find yourself finding items such as "Talismans" and "Runes" which you can equip and power up to boost your attack, defense or magic status, much like you would in the FF franchise...but on mobile...to get an idea of it it's like a cooler version of ANGRY BIRDS: EPIC...instead of fighting off green pigs, you fight members of a cult who are trying to take Eddie's soul which you can collect as shards that have been scattered through realms, each one guarded by a boss fight, such as the Wicker Man Eddie mentioned above...
Speaking of turn-based combat you can't ignore that there are elements of POKEMON in "Legacy..." too...as while you venture through the game, you are assisted by numerous characters based on the different Iron Maiden album themes...for example there are armed Eddie soldiers from the "A Matter Of Life And Death" album and Pharaoh heads from "Powerslave" that can support your team with additional abilities on a 1 to 5 star power rating. Throughout the game you will come across "Souls" in the form of stones which you can extract characters from, enhancing your team, allowing you to freely switch between characters depending on strengths and weaknesses, with the higher the star value, the stronger the character...essentially it's the perfect combination of strategy, timing and collecting, with the higher value characters being highly sought after for battle. There is a menu for in-game purchases too, with real money micro transactions to pay for special bundles and rare items but this isn't essential to the game and you can play freely without any obligation to pay for anything, it's all additional content should you want to use it (kids...please ask the bill payers permission, don't rack up ridiculous bills for mum and dad, love Iron Maiden in sensible financial moderation!)
As of April 19th, the servers updated the game with the inclusion of SHAMAN EDDIE from the cover of "Book Of Souls"...a 5-Star rated character that inflicts physical and magical damage, also utilizing negative status effects during combat...aside from his inclusion, all PVP battles online are taking place atop a Mayan step-pyramid in conjunction with the albums theme, and also you are able to obtain further souls from sacrificing party members in the hope of strengthening your team. Also, as with all online app games you can log in via Facebook and search for friends online, with the option of becoming fellow troopers, or facing each other in battle via the PVP server. If you have an Android or iPhone app store on your smart phone or tablet, you like RPG's and you love a spot of heavy metal, this game is simple yet addictive and ticks all the right boxes...Iron Maiden's "Legacy Of The Beast" is the game for you...download it for free and play via the website / app store link below now!