Opening up with “Satya”, it’s easy to think that you may have the wrong band…it’s a somber acoustic instrumental that really wouldn't be out of place on an ANCIENT VVISDOM record. It’s a slow build, a little percussion but definitely not blackened death-metal…are they taking the piss? Oh. Hell. No. As soon as “Illumination” kicks in we’re subject to a barrage of dark riffs and a sound not unlike SATYRICON, before it really gets going with its occasional wailing guitar lick and semi-thrash like nature. Despite its ferocity, especially Loki’s vocals, it still carries with it a hefty melody and is actually a great track.
“Black Heart” kicks in with more of a hard-paced heavy metal vibe with only the extreme vocals wedging a gap between genres, it’s like a collection of ideas from multiple styles have been welded together to create something equally intense and intriguing. “Dead Star Goddess” continues with this pattern, before we finish up with the 7min plus epic that is “Inside”. Whereas you may, stereo-typically at least, associate Australia with sun, sea and sport etc etc, it also produces some quality underground metal. Hybrid Nightmares sound just as good as their Scandinavian counterparts and it goes to show heavy alternative music, in all shapes and forms, thrives in every corner of the world…roll on the second stage! [7]
Hybrid Nightmares On Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hybridnightmaresofficial