Opening track "What's To Say You're Not Alone?" was chosen for a music video, and is a great introduction to the album. Some nice guitar work by Mikey Davis and Nick Ayre, the perfect balance between attitude and being easy-on-the-ear, before vocalist Kayley Busby chimes in with her more often than not, acute observational lyrics on life; personal and general, the front woman never afraid to wear her heart on her sleeve and speak her mind, often resulting in very raw yet confident performances.
"Long Way" starts of slowly but soon turns into a really up-beat alt./punk number, in places reminiscent of the likes of TSUNAMI BOMB. It's simple yet catchy chorus sure to be a crowd favorite at live shows. "Even If It Kills Me" takes things down a notch but is no less gritty, Busby allowed to flex her vocal chords a little, hitting some nice notes, before "Low" and "Perfect" pick things back up again, some intense screaming from bassist Richard Davis in the former giving the track that extra bit of bite.
"Anywhere But Home" and "Void" venture into ballad territory, each tracks message in full focus with Busby showing a real talent for song writing, her words demanding your attention. The rest of the album consists of re-visited tracks from the bands previous EP, "Save Yourself".
If we dismiss the older tracks for a moment and focus on the new material on offer, FYH have done a very good job, and have released a quality debut album. The 5-piece are continuously growing as a band and the song writing already speaks for itself. This is an album that really should follow you home, so, go and buy it now, you won't be disappointed.
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