The album starts with first single “Falling Down” which initially gets underway with some simplistic yet creepy piano keys and the soft vocal tones of front-woman Samuela Fuiani, before it gets a little darker and a little deeper. It’s generally a slow track but you can hear the Evanescence influence clearly; it’s got that tone to it. It’s a decent track but its lack of life makes for a seemingly dawdled start. “Eclipse” again starts off very sombre in tone but does have a very bold chorus and in all fairness you can feel the passion and emotion in the track.
“Wounds” picks things up a little bit and you can hear more of the Within Temptation influence at the core of the song; it’s quite a dramatic track, relatively enjoyable but there’s a pattern forming, and that pattern is the tracks do seem to last forever, however it is an album highlight. “Lost In The Daylight” takes the listener more toward ballad territory, for the most part it’s a delicate piano driven piece of music although it does contain some very emotive guitar work from Ruggero Doronzo and ultimately it’s pleasant listening, before we finish up on “Goodnight”. It’s another ballad and while it does allow the listener to appreciate how beautiful Fuiani’s vocals are, it’s not a track you’ll find yourself in a hurry to listen to.
All in all, Lacuna Coil haven’t got anything to worry about for now, Black Dahlia aren’t quite in the same league just yet, although credit to them they have written some genuinely beautiful music. If they inject a little more energy into a handful of tracks in the future then there’s a lot of potential there for them to make a name for themselves, but as of right now they appear to be treading water. As the advert suggests; “It’s good…but it’s not quite Carling”. [5]
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iTunes: Fragments - Blackdahlia