I was sent an email by their front-man Brandon Kellum, in which he forwarded his bands (Completed by guitarist Corey Skowronski, bassist Steven Mandell and drummer Mitch Hosier) latest album “Anti-Melody”…asking if I would be so kind to check it out! Better late than never Brandon, though I do apologise! Anyway, formed in 2011 in Phoenix, Arizona, the 4-piece share a love of all things hardcore and post-punk, inspired by big-hitters such as CONVERGE and POISON THE WELL and channelled those influences through this; their 4th album. It wasn’t without its setbacks mind you, as prior to recording, original founding guitarist Cody Conrad committed suicide, which was followed shortly after by the death of Brandon’s own father to cancer…these events, coupled with the state of the world around them pushed them towards writing the most personal album of their career, so let’s see what standards these American’s have…
We open up with “Writers Block Party” and they waste no time getting all up in your face with their blend of punk-infused hardcore rock…with their combination of intense thrashing, full of piss and vinegar, plus the weighty riffs layered over Brandon’s snarling vocal delivery, leading up to a climactic flurry, the album starts as it means to go on; with absolutely no nonsense whatsoever. “Carpe Diem, Tomorrow” follows up and it’s a touch slower in tempo with some off-kilter, almost prog-infused guitar work, bordering on djent in places, before we’re treated to an impromptu and legitimately enjoyable guitar solo which itself takes the track up a level.
Further highlights include “Broken Culture”, which at under two-minutes long may only provide a short, sharp piece of music but it still manages to include some great, groove-heavy guitar work, blunt as it is brief; their punk roots shine through here. By contrast, “Bartenders Without Wings” slows things down completely with a raw, melancholy soaked sense of vulnerability plucked straight out of the MEWITHOUTYOU playbook, while closing track “Chicago Overcoat” plunges itself deep within sludge-metal territory…methodical and with more than a touch of EYEHATEGOD and MELVINS at its core, it ends proceedings on an altogether more sluggish note. For a band that’s gone completely DIY, despite only being 8 tracks and less than half an hour in length this album shows plenty of potential. While firmly rooted in that post-punk / hardcore genre bracket they’re clearly not afraid to dabble to give some of these tracks that extra flavour (Regardless of how off-putting sludge sounds) and it’s this that will likely carry them forward, as they CAN become a little samey when they’re just rip-roaring their way through a bitter, angry track-list, though to its credit the album title doesn’t lie; you won’t find much in terms of easy listening here. [5]